Source code for bluepyopt.ephys.models

"""Cell template class"""

Copyright (c) 2016-2020, EPFL/Blue Brain Project

 This file is part of BluePyOpt <>

 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3.0 as published
 by the Free Software Foundation.

 This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

# pylint: disable=W0511

# TODO take into account that one might want to run protocols on different
# machines
# TODO rename this to 'CellModel' -> definitely

import sys
import os
import collections
import string

from . import create_hoc, create_acc
from . import morphologies

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Model(object): """Model""" def __init__(self, name): """Constructor Args: name (str): name of the model """ = name
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None): """Instantiate model in simulator""" pass
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): """Destroy instantiated model in simulator""" pass
[docs] class CellModel(Model): """Cell model class""" def __init__( self, name, morph=None, mechs=None, params=None, gid=0, seclist_names=None, secarray_names=None ): """Constructor Args: name (str): name of this object should be alphanumeric string, underscores are allowed, first char should be a letter morph (Morphology): underlying Morphology of the cell mechs (list of Mechanisms): Mechanisms associated with the cell params (list of Parameters): Parameters of the cell model seclist_names (list of strings): Names of the lists of sections secarray_names (list of strings): Names of the sections """ super(CellModel, self).__init__(name) self.check_name() self.morphology = morph self.mechanisms = mechs self.params = collections.OrderedDict() if params is not None: for param in params: self.params[] = param # Cell instantiation in simulator self.icell = None self.icell_existing_secs = None self.param_values = None self.gid = gid if seclist_names is None: self.seclist_names = [ 'all', 'somatic', 'basal', 'apical', 'axonal', 'myelinated' ] else: self.seclist_names = seclist_names if secarray_names is None: self.secarray_names = [ 'soma', 'dend', 'apic', 'axon', 'myelin' ] else: self.secarray_names = secarray_names
[docs] def check_name(self): """Check if name complies with requirements""" allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '_' if sys.version_info[0] < 3: translate_args = [None, allowed_chars] else: translate_args = [str.maketrans('', '', allowed_chars)] if == '' \ or[0] not in string.ascii_letters \ or not str(*translate_args) == '': raise TypeError( 'CellModel: name "%s" provided to constructor does not comply ' 'with the rules for Neuron template name: name should be ' 'alphanumeric ' 'non-empty string, underscores are allowed, ' 'first char should be letter' %
[docs] def params_by_names(self, param_names): """Get parameter objects by name""" return [self.params[param_name] for param_name in param_names]
[docs] def freeze(self, param_dict): """Set params""" for param_name, param_value in param_dict.items(): self.params[param_name].freeze(param_value)
[docs] def unfreeze(self, param_names): """Unset params""" for param_name in param_names: self.params[param_name].unfreeze()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_empty_template( template_name, seclist_names=None, secarray_names=None): '''create an hoc template named template_name for an empty cell''' objref_str = 'objref this, CellRef' newseclist_str = '' if seclist_names: for seclist_name in seclist_names: objref_str += ', %s' % seclist_name newseclist_str += \ ' %s = new SectionList()\n' % seclist_name create_str = '' if secarray_names: create_str = 'create ' create_str += ', '.join( '%s[1]' % secarray_name for secarray_name in secarray_names) create_str += '\n' template = '''\ begintemplate %(template_name)s %(objref_str)s proc init() {\n%(newseclist_str)s forall delete_section() CellRef = this } gid = 0 proc destroy() {localobj nil CellRef = nil } %(create_str)s endtemplate %(template_name)s ''' % dict(template_name=template_name, objref_str=objref_str, newseclist_str=newseclist_str, create_str=create_str) return template
[docs] @staticmethod def create_empty_cell( name, sim, seclist_names=None, secarray_names=None): """Create an empty cell in Neuron""" # TODO minize hardcoded definition # E.g. sectionlist can be procedurally generated hoc_template = CellModel.create_empty_template( name, seclist_names, secarray_names) sim.neuron.h(hoc_template) template_function = getattr(sim.neuron.h, name) return template_function()
[docs] def instantiate_morphology(self, sim=None): """Instantiate morphology in simulator""" # TODO replace this with the real template name if not hasattr(sim.neuron.h, self.icell = self.create_empty_cell(, sim=sim, seclist_names=self.seclist_names, secarray_names=self.secarray_names) else: self.icell = getattr(sim.neuron.h, self.icell.gid = self.gid self.morphology.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=self.icell) self.icell_existing_secs = [ sec for sec in self.secarray_names if sim.neuron.h.section_exists(sec, self.icell)]
[docs] def instantiate_morphology_3d(self, sim=None): """Instantiate morphology and fill in 3d pts for stylized geometry""" self.instantiate_morphology(sim=sim) sim.neuron.h.define_shape()
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None): """Instantiate model in simulator""" self.instantiate_morphology(sim) if self.mechanisms is not None: for mechanism in self.mechanisms: mechanism.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=self.icell) if self.params is not None: for param in self.params.values(): param.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=self.icell, params=self.params)
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Destroy instantiated model in simulator""" # Make sure the icell's destroy() method is called # without it a circular reference exists between CellRef and the object # this prevents the icells from being garbage collected, and # cell objects pile up in the simulator self.icell.destroy() # The line below is some M. Hines magic # DON'T remove it, because it will make sure garbage collection # is called on the icell object sim.neuron.h.Vector().size() self.icell = None self.icell_existing_secs = None self.morphology.destroy(sim=sim) for mechanism in self.mechanisms: mechanism.destroy(sim=sim) for param in self.params.values(): param.destroy(sim=sim)
[docs] def check_nonfrozen_params(self, param_names): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Check if all nonfrozen params are set""" for param_name, param in self.params.items(): if not param.frozen: raise Exception( 'CellModel: Nonfrozen param %s needs to be ' 'set before simulation' % param_name)
def _create_sim_desc(self, param_values, ignored_globals=(), template=None, disable_banner=False, template_dir=None, extra_params=None, sim_desc_creator=None): """Create simulator description for this model""" to_unfreeze = [] for param in self.params.values(): if not param.frozen: param.freeze(param_values[]) to_unfreeze.append( template_name = morphology = os.path.basename(self.morphology.morphology_path) if sim_desc_creator is create_hoc.create_hoc: if self.morphology.do_replace_axon: replace_axon = self.morphology.replace_axon_hoc else: replace_axon = None if ( self.morphology.morph_modifiers is not None and self.morphology.morph_modifiers_hoc is None ): logger.warning('You have provided custom morphology' ' modifiers, but no corresponding hoc files.') elif ( self.morphology.morph_modifiers is not None and self.morphology.morph_modifiers_hoc is not None ): if replace_axon is None: replace_axon = '' for morph_modifier_hoc in self.morphology.morph_modifiers_hoc: replace_axon += '\n' replace_axon += morph_modifier_hoc elif sim_desc_creator is create_acc.create_acc: if self.morphology.do_replace_axon: replace_axon = morphologies.\ ArbFileMorphology.extract_nrn_seclists( self.icell, [sl for sl in ['axon', 'myelin'] if sl in self.icell_existing_secs]) else: replace_axon = None else: raise ValueError('Unsupported sim_desc_creator %s ' '(choose either create_hoc.create_hoc or ' 'create_acc.create_acc)', str(sim_desc_creator)) if extra_params is None: extra_params = dict() ret = sim_desc_creator(mechs=self.mechanisms, parameters=self.params.values(), morphology=morphology, ignored_globals=ignored_globals, replace_axon=replace_axon, template_name=template_name, template_filename=template, template_dir=template_dir, disable_banner=disable_banner, **extra_params) self.unfreeze(to_unfreeze) return ret
[docs] def create_hoc(self, param_values, ignored_globals=(), template='cell_template.jinja2', disable_banner=False, template_dir=None): """Create hoc code for this model""" return self._create_sim_desc(param_values, ignored_globals, template, disable_banner, template_dir, sim_desc_creator=create_hoc.create_hoc)
[docs] def create_acc(self, param_values, ignored_globals=(), template='acc/*_template.jinja2', disable_banner=False, template_dir=None, ext_catalogues=None, create_mod_morph=False, sim=None): """Create JSON/ACC-description for this model""" destroy_cell = False if self.morphology.do_replace_axon: if self.icell is None: if sim is None: raise ValueError('Need an instance of NrnSimulator in sim' ' to instantiate morphology in order to' ' create JSON/ACC-description with' ' axon replacement.') self.instantiate_morphology_3d(sim=sim) destroy_cell = True extra_params = dict( morphology_dir=os.path.dirname(self.morphology.morphology_path), create_mod_morph=create_mod_morph, ext_catalogues=ext_catalogues ) ret = self._create_sim_desc(param_values, ignored_globals, template, disable_banner, template_dir, extra_params=extra_params, sim_desc_creator=create_acc.create_acc) if destroy_cell: self.destroy(sim=sim) return ret
[docs] def write_acc(self, output_dir, param_values, template_filename='acc/*_template.jinja2', ext_catalogues=None, create_mod_morph=False, sim=None): """Write JSON/ACC-description for this model to output directory""" create_acc.write_acc(output_dir, self, param_values, template_filename=template_filename, ext_catalogues=ext_catalogues, create_mod_morph=create_mod_morph, sim=sim)
def __str__(self): """Return string representation""" content = '%s:\n' % content += ' morphology:\n' if self.morphology is not None: content += ' %s\n' % str(self.morphology) content += ' mechanisms:\n' if self.mechanisms is not None: for mechanism in self.mechanisms: content += ' %s\n' % mechanism content += ' params:\n' if self.params is not None: for param in self.params.values(): content += ' %s\n' % param return content
[docs] class HocMorphology(morphologies.Morphology): '''wrapper for Morphology so that it has a morphology_path''' def __init__(self, morphology_path): super(HocMorphology, self).__init__() if not os.path.exists(morphology_path): raise Exception('HocCellModel: Morphology not found at: %s' % morphology_path) self.morphology_path = morphology_path
[docs] class HocCellModel(CellModel): '''Wrapper class for a hoc template so it can be used by BluePyOpt''' def __init__(self, name, morphology_path, hoc_path=None, hoc_string=None): """Constructor Args: name(str): name of this object sim(NrnSimulator): simulator in which to instatiate hoc_string hoc_path(str): Path to a hoc file (hoc_path and hoc_string can't be used simultaneously, but one of them has to specified) hoc_string(str): String that of hoc code that defines a template (hoc_path and hoc_string can't be used simultaneously, but one of them has to specified)) morphology_path(str path): path to morphology that can be loaded by Neuron """ super(HocCellModel, self).__init__(name, morph=None, mechs=[], params=[]) if hoc_path is not None and hoc_string is not None: raise TypeError('HocCellModel: cant specify both hoc_string ' 'and hoc_path argument') if hoc_path is not None: with open(hoc_path) as hoc_file: self.hoc_string = else: self.hoc_string = hoc_string self.morphology = HocMorphology(morphology_path) self.cell = None self.icell = None
[docs] def params_by_names(self, param_names): pass
[docs] def freeze(self, param_dict): pass
[docs] def unfreeze(self, param_names): pass
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None): sim.neuron.h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') template_name = self.load_hoc_template(sim, self.hoc_string) morph_path = self.morphology.morphology_path assert os.path.exists(morph_path), \ 'Morphology path does not exist: %s' % morph_path if os.path.isdir(morph_path): # will use the built in morphology name, if the init() only # gets one parameter self.cell = getattr(sim.neuron.h, template_name)(morph_path) else: morph_dir = os.path.dirname(morph_path) morph_name = os.path.basename(morph_path) self.cell = getattr(sim.neuron.h, template_name)(morph_dir, morph_name) self.icell = self.cell.CellRef
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): self.cell = None self.icell = None
[docs] def check_nonfrozen_params(self, param_names): pass
def __str__(self): """Return string representation""" return ( '%s: %s of %s(%s)' % (self.__class__,, self.get_template_name(self.hoc_string), self.morphology.morphology_path,))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_template_name(hoc_string): """Find the template name from hoc_string Note: this will fail if there is a begintemplate in a `/* */` style comment before the real begintemplate """ for i, line in enumerate(hoc_string.split('\n')): if 'begintemplate' in line: line = line.strip().split() assert line[0] == 'begintemplate', \ 'begintemplate must come first, line %d' % i template_name = line[1]'Found template %s on line %d', template_name, i) return template_name else: # pylint: disable=W0120 raise Exception('Could not find begintemplate in hoc file')
[docs] @staticmethod def load_hoc_template(sim, hoc_string): """Have neuron hoc template, and detect what the name template name is The template must have an init that takes two parameters, the second of which is the path to a morphology. It must also have a CellRef member that is the result of `Import3d_GUI(...).instantiate()` """ template_name = HocCellModel.get_template_name(hoc_string) if not hasattr(sim.neuron.h, template_name): sim.neuron.h(hoc_string) assert hasattr(sim.neuron.h, template_name), \ 'NEURON does not have template: ' + template_name return template_name
[docs] class LFPyCellModel(Model): """LFPy.Cell model class""" def __init__( self, name, electrode=None, morph=None, mechs=None, params=None, dt=0.025, v_init=-65.0, gid=0, seclist_names=None, secarray_names=None, ): """Constructor Args: name (str): name of this object should be alphanumeric string, underscores are allowed, first char should be a letter morph (Morphology): underlying Morphology of the cell mechs (list of Mechanisms): Mechanisms associated with the cell params (list of Parameters): Parameters of the cell model seclist_names (list of strings): Names of the lists of sections secarray_names (list of strings): Names of the sections """ super(LFPyCellModel, self).__init__(name) self.check_name() self.morphology = morph self.mechanisms = mechs self.params = collections.OrderedDict() if params is not None: for param in params: self.params[] = param # Cell instantiation in simulator self.icell = None self.lfpy_cell = None self.electrode = electrode self.lfpy_electrode = None self.dt = dt self.v_init = v_init self.param_values = None self.gid = gid if seclist_names is None: self.seclist_names = [ "all", "somatic", "basal", "apical", "axonal", "myelinated", ] else: self.seclist_names = seclist_names if secarray_names is None: self.secarray_names = ["soma", "dend", "apic", "axon", "myelin"] else: self.secarray_names = secarray_names
[docs] def check_name(self): """Check if name complies with requirements""" allowed_chars = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "_" if sys.version_info[0] < 3: translate_args = [None, allowed_chars] else: translate_args = [str.maketrans("", "", allowed_chars)] if ( == "" or[0] not in string.ascii_letters or not str(*translate_args) == "" ): raise TypeError( 'CellModel: name "%s" provided to constructor does not comply ' "with the rules for Neuron template name: name should be " "alphanumeric " "non-empty string, underscores are allowed, " "first char should be letter" % )
[docs] def params_by_names(self, param_names): """Get parameter objects by name""" return [self.params[param_name] for param_name in param_names]
[docs] def freeze(self, param_dict): """Set params""" for param_name, param_value in param_dict.items(): self.params[param_name].freeze(param_dict[param_name])
[docs] def unfreeze(self, param_names): """Unset params""" for param_name in param_names: self.params[param_name].unfreeze()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_empty_template( template_name, seclist_names=None, secarray_names=None ): """create an hoc template named template_name for an empty cell""" objref_str = "objref this, CellRef" newseclist_str = "" if seclist_names: for seclist_name in seclist_names: objref_str += ", %s" % seclist_name newseclist_str += ( " %s = new SectionList()\n" % seclist_name ) create_str = "" if secarray_names: create_str = "create " create_str += ", ".join( "%s[1]" % secarray_name for secarray_name in secarray_names ) create_str += "\n" template = """\ begintemplate %(template_name)s %(objref_str)s proc init() {\n%(newseclist_str)s forall delete_section() CellRef = this } gid = 0 proc destroy() {localobj nil CellRef = nil } %(create_str)s endtemplate %(template_name)s """ % dict( template_name=template_name, objref_str=objref_str, newseclist_str=newseclist_str, create_str=create_str, ) return template
[docs] @staticmethod def create_empty_cell(name, sim, seclist_names=None, secarray_names=None): """Create an empty cell in Neuron""" # TODO minize hardcoded definition # E.g. sectionlist can be procedurally generated hoc_template = CellModel.create_empty_template( name, seclist_names, secarray_names ) sim.neuron.h(hoc_template) template_function = getattr(sim.neuron.h, name) return template_function()
[docs] def instantiate(self, sim=None): """Instantiate model in simulator""" from LFPy import Cell from lfpykit import RecExtElectrode # TODO replace this with the real template name if not hasattr(sim.neuron.h, self.icell = self.create_empty_cell(, sim=sim, seclist_names=self.seclist_names, secarray_names=self.secarray_names, ) else: self.icell = getattr(sim.neuron.h, self.icell.gid = self.gid self.morphology.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=self.icell) self.lfpy_cell = Cell( morphology=sim.neuron.h.allsec(), dt=self.dt, v_init=self.v_init, pt3d=True, delete_sections=False, nsegs_method=None, ) self.lfpy_electrode = RecExtElectrode( self.lfpy_cell, probe=self.electrode ) if self.mechanisms is not None: for mechanism in self.mechanisms: mechanism.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=self.icell) if self.params is not None: for param in self.params.values(): param.instantiate(sim=sim, icell=self.icell, params=self.params)
[docs] def destroy(self, sim=None): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Destroy instantiated model in simulator""" # Make sure the icell's destroy() method is called # without it a circular reference exists between CellRef and the object # this prevents the icells from being garbage collected, and # cell objects pile up in the simulator self.icell.destroy() # The line below is some M. Hines magic # DON'T remove it, because it will make sure garbage collection # is called on the icell object sim.neuron.h.Vector().size() self.icell = None self.morphology.destroy(sim=sim) for mechanism in self.mechanisms: mechanism.destroy(sim=sim) for param in self.params.values(): param.destroy(sim=sim)
[docs] def check_nonfrozen_params(self, param_names): # pylint: disable=W0613 """Check if all nonfrozen params are set""" for param_name, param in self.params.items(): if not param.frozen: raise Exception( "CellModel: Nonfrozen param %s needs to be " "set before simulation" % param_name )
[docs] def create_hoc( self, param_values, ignored_globals=(), template="cell_template.jinja2", disable_banner=False, template_dir=None, ): """Create hoc code for this model""" to_unfreeze = [] for param in self.params.values(): if not param.frozen: param.freeze(param_values[]) to_unfreeze.append( template_name = morphology = os.path.basename(self.morphology.morphology_path) if self.morphology.do_replace_axon: replace_axon = self.morphology.replace_axon_hoc else: replace_axon = None ret = create_hoc.create_hoc( mechs=self.mechanisms, parameters=self.params.values(), morphology=morphology, ignored_globals=ignored_globals, replace_axon=replace_axon, template_name=template_name, template_filename=template, template_dir=template_dir, disable_banner=disable_banner, ) self.unfreeze(to_unfreeze) return ret
def __str__(self): """Return string representation""" content = "%s:\n" % content += " morphology:\n" if self.morphology is not None: content += " %s\n" % str(self.morphology) content += " mechanisms:\n" if self.mechanisms is not None: for mechanism in self.mechanisms: content += " %s\n" % mechanism content += " params:\n" if self.params is not None: for param in self.params.values(): content += " %s\n" % param return content